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Taipei City


We offer Panerai straps of various styles including Dirk's Pre-V / GATORISTI / GUNNY STRAPS / HAMILTON leather works / L'INVITTA LEGIONE / MAD DOG / MARIO PACI. We also offer a variety of Leica accessories, including Billingham, HRR, LeicaTime Luigi, Match Technical, and Teha'amana. We are located in Taipei, Taiwan.



配戴舒適和設計品味一直都是Etnia Barcelona眼鏡最強調的品牌目標。憑著多年來對於臉部容貌的研究知識,我們設計並生產出全世界最舒服的眼鏡。我們和最佳的商業夥伴合作,採用高科 技的設計與生產流程,提供給注重品味的您最高品質的光學鏡片與元件機構。我們的眼鏡從設計到生產,完全一手包辦,為的是提供給您最舒服的配戴體驗、最佳的 人體工學、創造出最美的臉部弧線。我們採用的鏡片來自世界首屈一指的Barberni光學,絕對是您的最佳選擇。

COMFORT Comfort and design are the strong points of Etnia Barcelona glasses. Our exhaustive knowledge of facial features is transferred to each piece, thereby producing some of the most comfortable eyewear in the world. INNOVATION Working with the best strategic partners for each piece of a pair of eyeglasses provides us with the most technologically advanced resources: from the highest quality Barberini lens to the design of an intelligent hinge mechanism co-produced with Comotec. DESIGNED & PRODUCED We design and make our own eyewear, controlling the entire process, from the design of the first drawing to the production of all the components: glasses that are comfortable, that feel good on any face, with the bridge adapted to facial features, with ergonomic temple tips… we like to make and wear good products. THE BEST LENSES Lenses used at Etnia Barcelona are the best lenses available in the world; mineral lenses made by Barberini in Italy, with the most advanced technology using natural crystal materials.



配戴舒適和設計品味一直都是Etnia Barcelona眼鏡最強調的品牌目標。憑著多年來對於臉部容貌的研究知識,我們設計並生產出全世界最舒服的眼鏡。我們和最佳的商業夥伴合作,採用高科技的設計與生產流程,提供給注重品味的您最高品質的光學鏡片與元件機構。我們的眼鏡從設計到生產,完全一手包辦,為的是提供給您最舒服的配戴體驗、最佳的人體工學、創造出最美的臉部弧線。我們採用的鏡片來自世界首屈一指的Barberni光學,絕對是您的最佳選擇。


Comfort and design are the strong points of Etnia Barcelona glasses. Our exhaustive knowledge of facial features is transferred to each piece, thereby producing some of the most comfortable eyewear in the world. 

Working with the best strategic partners for each piece of a pair of eyeglasses provides us with the most technologically advanced resources: from the highest quality Barberini lens to the design of an intelligent hinge mechanism co-produced with Comotec.

We design and make our own eyewear, controlling the entire process, from the design of the first drawing to the production of all the components: glasses that are comfortable, that feel good on any face, with the bridge adapted to facial features, with ergonomic temple tips… we like to make and wear good products.

Lenses used at Etnia Barcelona are the best lenses available in the world; mineral lenses made by Barberini in Italy, with the most advanced technology using natural crystal materials. Please click here to read more.