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Taipei City


We offer Panerai straps of various styles including Dirk's Pre-V / GATORISTI / GUNNY STRAPS / HAMILTON leather works / L'INVITTA LEGIONE / MAD DOG / MARIO PACI. We also offer a variety of Leica accessories, including Billingham, HRR, LeicaTime Luigi, Match Technical, and Teha'amana. We are located in Taipei, Taiwan.



HoldFast 創作的原點是來自冒險家無懼挑戰的精神,以及人類創造歷史無限可能的堅定信念。HoldFast的成立,正是創辦人Matthew Swaggart 設計思路的旅程寫照。在那段歲月裡,HoldFast 堅信著三項原則。一、品味:作品必須充滿美感。二、邏輯:作品設計必須合理實用。三、信念:邏輯意味侷限,我們必須跳出框架思考。HoldFast was born from a sense of adventure and the belief that history is waiting to be captured and made. HoldFast was founded in the midst of a designer's creative reinvention. During this time, HoldFast was based on three very basic values. Taste: Things must look right. Logic: Things must make sense. Faith: Because logic takes us only so far... and then we must leap.



HoldFast 創作的原點是來自冒險家無懼挑戰的精神,以及人類創造歷史無限可能的堅定信念。HoldFast的成立,正是創辦人Matthew Swaggart 設計思路的旅程寫照。在那段歲月裡,HoldFast 堅信著三項原則。一、品味:作品必須充滿美感。二、邏輯:作品設計必須合理實用。三、信念:邏輯意味侷限,我們必須跳出框架思考。

HoldFast was born from a sense of adventure and the belief that history is waiting to be captured and made. HoldFast was founded in the midst of a designer's creative reinvention. During this time, HoldFast was based on three very basic values. Taste: Things must look right. Logic: Things must make sense. Faith: Because logic takes us only so far... and then we must leap.